File #: Ordinance 31-2024    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Tabled
File created: 11/19/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance 31-2024: An ordinance on second reading adopting changes to the ULUC regarding Neighborhood Housing Opportunities
Attachments: 1. 1. Ordinance No. 31-2024 w/Exhibits, 2. 2. Code Changes Summary Matrix, 3. 3. PC Resolution No. 08-2024_Signed, 4. 4. Neighborhood Housing OptionsGraphics_SLR-ACR, 5. 5. City-Wide Zoning Map, 6. 6. City-Wide HOA Map, 7. 7. Public Comments Received on Draft Code, 8. 8. Citizen Comments included in 12/17 CC Packet, 9. 9. Citizen Comments Received after the 12-17-2024 Meeting, 10. 10. Presentation_Ord. 31-2024
Agenda Date: 01/07/2025

Ordinance 31-2024: An ordinance on second reading adopting changes to the ULUC regarding Neighborhood Housing Opportunities

James L. Becklenberg, City Manager
Prepared by:
Zareen Tasneem, Senior Planner
Zareen Tasneem, Senior Planner

Final city council review and decision on revisions to Title 10, the Unified Land Use Code (ULUC), related to neighborhood housing opportunities.

High-Quality Governance; Vibrant Community with a Rich Culture; Robust and Resilient Economy

When the Unified Land Use Code (ULUC) was adopted on October 18, 2021, it included several land use categories that fall under the missing middle housing types. Generally, this term covers the transect of housing types that fall in between single-family detached houses and mid-rise apartment buildings. Examples include duplexes, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), cottage court communities, and multiplexes which are three or four unit attached residences. These land use categories often have restrictive standards associated with them in the ULUC that make them difficult to build. As a result, the city has only received a handful of building permits and site plans proposing to construct these types of residential uses.

Based on Council direction, staff established several goals with the neighborhood housing opportunities project that the proposed changes categorically fall under:

* Clarify zoning code regulations
* Incorporate requirements of recently passed state legislation regarding ADUs
* Reduce existing zoning code barriers
* Expand household living types as permitted in more zone districts

Proposed Code Amendment
As a result of the community survey, stakeholder group meeting, background research, study sessions, and Planning Commission public hearing conducted the last few months, staff is proposing the following changes (this list is not all-inclusive):

* Simplified, co...

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