Agenda Date: 01/21/2020
Resolution 04-2020: Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City and County of Denver and the City of Littleton for participation in the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
Prepared by:
Doug Stephens, Chief of Police
This IGA is necessary for the City of Littleton to receive grant funding through the Federal UASI grant program.
Staff Presenter(s): Doug Stephens, Chief of Police
Additional Presenter(s): N/A
The Denver metropolitan area has been identified by the federal government as eligible to receive anti-terrorism grant funding through the UASI. The purpose of the UASI is to assist high-threat, high-density urban areas in efforts to build, sustain, and deliver the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. The purpose of this IGA is to provide for distribution of UASI grant funds for goods and services through Planning, Organizing, Equipping, Training, and Exercising (POETE) activities to eligible entities, and to further the purposes of the UASI program.
The City of Littleton is a member of the UASI State of Colorado North Central Region, which identifies the City and County of Denver as the "core city" responsible for overall grant administration. In order to receive UASI grant funding, the federal government requires all participating agencies to enter an IGA with the "core city" which details the terms of the grant. This IGA will allow the City of Littleton to receive grant funding for future POETE activities if and when they occur.
The City of Littleton has participated in UASI grant-funded training in the past and benefits from the ability to utilize specialized equipment, owned and maintained by other agencies, purchased through UASI grant funding. The Littleton Police Department has a voting member of the UASI North Central Region's adviso...
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