Agenda Date: 12/17/2024
Resolution 127-2024: Approving a second amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Littleton and David Evans and Associates, Inc. for design services on the County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project
From: |
James L. Becklenberg, City Manager |
Prepared by: |
Brent Soderlin, Public Works & Utilities Director |
Brent Thompson, City Engineer |
Presentations: |
N/A |
Does council support approving an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with David Evans and Associates, Inc. for design services on the County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project?
Safe Community; High-Quality Governance
The County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project includes pedestrian and bicyclist safety and accessibility elements to connect the existing bike lanes along Southpark Lane to the High Line Canal Trail and C470 Trail, as well as provide missing bicycle and pedestrian facilities along County Line Road.
City staff solicited the services of David Evans and Associates (DEA) for design of this multimodal project in 2023. A contract was executed for the first phase of the project, conceptual design, in May 2023. The contract was intentionally phased to ensure that the final design scope and fee accurately reflected the anticipated design workload, which would be determined by the preliminary design. Projects of this nature, particularly those involving federal funds, often take 18-24 months to design. Phasing the design of this project is fiscally responsible, as it avoids encumbering funds that would not otherwise be used until a subsequent fiscal year, thereby freeing those funds for current-year projects. The final design amendment was approved by council in April 2024.
The preliminary design was completed earlier this year, and the project team is nearing the end of the final design phase. This amendment is needed to cover additional work performed by DEA related to bike and pedestrian safety improvement design at Elati Street and County Line Road, as well as unanticipated work required for CDOT’s right-of-way plan review process and additional budget to advance this project through the CDOT review process to construction. DEA refined the design scope and fee for the final design, and a contract amendment is necessary to proceed with these services. If council approves this resolution, staff will continue design preparation and work toward constructing the project, which is anticipated for 2025-2026.
Littleton is fortunate to have many regional trails running through the city; however, some areas are lacking good connections to those facilities. This project will improve connectivity at the southern end of the city by filling some existing gaps along County Line Road, between Broadway and Southpark Lane, and improving access between the High Line Canal Trail, the C-470 Regional Trail, and an existing trailhead parking lot.
The C-470 Regional Trail is an incredible amenity over 30 miles long, which provides connections from Golden to Parker, including access to such destinations as Lookout Mountain, North Dinosaur Park, Chatfield State Park, and Cherry Creek State Park, and connections to many other regional trails, including Bear Creek Trail, Mary Carter Greenway, and Cheery Creek Trail. This project places focus and provides an important connection in Littleton via north-south routes.
There is currently no clear bike connection between where the bike lane ends at the Southpark Lane and County Line Road intersection to the High Line Canal Trailhead southwest of that intersection. This trailhead provides access to the High Line Canal Trail and the C-470 Trail. Additionally, enhanced multimodal improvements are planned for Southpark Lane (protected intersection) and Broadway (shared use path), but there is a need for a defined and safe facility along County Line Road between the two roadways and to provide a connection to the High Line Canal Trailhead for multimodal users. The proposed expanded multimodal facility along County Line Road will also support multimodal access to planned recreational facilities (pickleball courts) on adjacent properties owned by the South Suburban Parks and Recreation District. The existing intersection of the High Line Canal Trail and the C-470 Trail needs safety improvements. Trail conditions have deteriorated, users must navigate challenging horizontal and vertical trail geometrics, and speed differentials exist for bicyclists traveling in varying directions.
The County Line Road Shared Use Path Project is funded through DRCOG’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which is a program to fund regionally significant projects, especially those aimed at improving multimodal facilities and operations. The TIP grant provides $3,330,000 in construction funding, with 80% federal and state funding ($2,700,000) and 20% local agency match ($630,000).
Prior Actions or Discussions
An IGA with CDOT for design and construction of the County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project was approved by city council as Resolution 88-2023 on August 15, 2023.
The first amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with David Evans and Associates, Inc. was approved by council with Resolution 44-2024 on April 2, 2024.
The original contract with David Evans and Associates was split into phases. The first phase for preliminary design was $361,219.00. The fee for the first Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement for final design services was $246,700.00. The fee for the second amendment for additional conceptual and final design at Elati Street, additional survey, and additional right of way plans and legal descriptions is $108,185.00. In aggregate, the total contract value will be $716,104.00. This contract amendment will be funded from Multimodal Impact Fees. Pursuant to the city’s Procurement Policy, all contracts exceeding $500,000 must have council approval.
Staff recommends approval of the Professional Services Agreement Amendment.
If this contract amendment is not approved, design on the County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project will not proceed. In accordance with the intergovernmental agreement executed with CDOT for this project, the project must be advertised for construction by September 2025. Therefore, any delay of design could place project grant funding at risk.
Proposed Motion
I move to approve Resolution 127-2024 approving a second amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Littleton and David Evans and Associates, Inc. for design services on the County Line Road Shared Use Path Connections Project.