Agenda Date: 8/22/16
Study session on the Mineral Light Rail Station Area Plan
Presented By: |
Jocelyn Mills, Community Development Director |
STUDY SESSION SUMMARY: The study session will include a presentation and update on the Mineral Light Rail Station Area Plan project. Earlier this same evening will be a community open house on the project (from 4 to 6pm at the Carson Nature Center). The Mineral Advisory Group has been invited to participate in this study session.
PROJECT BACKGROUND: As identified in the 2014 Citywide Plan, Figure D, which provides a list of all Littleton neighborhoods, corridors and activity areas within the city that need action to be taken for updates and/or creation of new plans to address vision and future needs of each area, the Mineral Light Rail Station area is listed as a high priority to create a plan. The Citywide Plan is an attachment provided and Figure D is on page “Introduction - 8” of that plan.
Earlier this year, the planning process for creation of an area plan for the Mineral Light Rail Station got underway. Prior to this, in 2015 the city issued a request for proposals and subsequently hired the firm of Progressive Urban Management Associates and their team to assist with this planning project. PUMA’s team includes experts in land use planning, landscape and urban design, traffic and transportation, economic development, and ecological resources.
To date, the project has included several community meetings (information on these past meetings are provided in the attachments) as well as information and surveys posted on Community input has been essential to the process and overall development of each step building upon the previous community meetings and input received. Additionally, throughout the project, a Mineral Advisory Group has participated in the planning process, the group consists of a variety of stakeholders that represent adjacent landowners to the Mineral Light Rail Station, the Regional Transportation District, Littleton’s Historic Preservation Board, Planning Board, South Suburban Parks and Recreation, the Denver Regional Council of Governments, as well as city departments including public works, economic development and community development.
As stated on, the intent of the project is as follows:
We will work to define the community’s vision for the station area and surrounding neighborhoods, and to provide a strong foundation for developing plan and design solutions that support that vision. This will include a discussion about what the role is of Mineral Station, its identity, and how it fits with the neighborhood character. Since the Mineral Station area is predominantly surrounded by greenfields, the future and existing neighborhoods must include a variety of land uses that are sustainable and meet the daily needs that residents, employees, and visitors of all ages and abilities can walk to, such as retail goods, services, housing, healthy food, quality schools, open space, recreation, and civic uses. We will identify potential properties near the Mineral Station that can accommodate the neighborhood’s desired business and amenities.
NEXT STEPS: Next steps in this project include a draft plan and study session with planning board. Following that, the draft plan will be presented to planning board and then to city council for formal review and adoption.
1. Presentation slides for Monday’s study session by PUMA
2. Draft vision/goals statements
3. Summary of community open house (mtg #1), March 16, 2016
4. Presentation slides from community meeting (mtg #2), June 2, 2016
5. Presentation slides from community meeting (mtg #3), July 26, 2016
6. 2014 Citywide Plan
7. Schedule of the overall project